Thursday, February 23, 2006 |
Nearly there...! |
It's been a long few days but I couldn't miss out the opportunity to blog from far-off shores. Today I'm reporting not too far from the top of the world, well in North Sea up off Shetland anyway. Life on Brent Charlie has been pretty cool -hectic but fun! I've been out here since Tuesday doing one-to-one lifestyle health checks and some presentations on Men's Health. They are a really nice bunch of guys and I always think it's a shame that there is this image that guys aren't interested in their health because it never seems to be that way when we come offshore to do stuff. Of course you get the guys who sit there and stuff their faces (free food and boredom), the ones who drink way more than is good for them and the ones who couldn't give a stuff about how long they live for once they finish work. You also get the guys who want a good quality of life, who want to learn how to eat well and exercise better, who want to look after themselves. As long as you come out and speak matter of factly to them - plus you don't let them off with taking the piss, it's called giving as good as you get - then they really want the information you can give them. Usually you're just backing up something that their wives or girlfriends have already told them but if it means they make a change then that's great. I actually feel a wee bit guilty for the way I used to slag off offshore blokes before as it shows I was obviously bumping into the nob-ends rather than all the really nice blokes who are out here just to make the best living they can in what can a really horrible environment, especially when they don't get home when they're supposed to. It makes me laugh when they moan about 2-3 weeks in the Big Brother House when there are thousand's of guys doing that length of time in the North Sea all the time. They just get on with it rather than moaning about it - okay, sometimes they moan about it! I think the other thing that's really nice is that you get respect for the knowledge you've gained and how you impart that knowledge to them. If it means one person makes a change for the better or one person is able to catch an illness at an early stage and save themselves a lot of hassle then that's what we aim for. Gotten all philosophical there - definitely time for bed.
Home tomorrow (hopefully) for some R&R and some proper knitting time. I've only done about 3 rows in 3 days - not good enough. Shall we say that my entry into the Knitting Olympics has gone totally pear-shaped and I've achieved a whole 5 inches on the back of Dennis' Aran jumper thus far - sorry Dennis! I will catch-up, I promise... |
posted by Maureen @ 9:24 pm   |
Saturday, February 18, 2006 |
SP7 - Look what I got in the post yesterday... |
...I got a pressie in the post yesterday. Thank you Secret Pal. I think I scored pretty well. The sweetie kebab has been decimated by about 30% since the photo was taken yesterday and the little sweetheart candies are half-eaten. The crochet hook is very cute and I'm really chuffed with the RYC Cashsoft DK. It's gorgeous stuff (I've knitted a hat with it for someone else). It could be made into either a hat, long skinny scarf or maybe yet another OSW. Who knows?! It's a lovely dusky pink.

Time to get my arse in gear. Need to go into town to pick up our tickets for the Zutons (May 11th - woo hoo!), another ball of RYC Cashsoft DK for a hat for Robert's Mum's birthday (March 3rd) and some row counters. I have lost 2 over the last 3 days - one down the side of my seat on the plane to Manchester on Thursday and the other one between my living room and bedroom. How can you lose something in such a short space? Probably George has nicked it. Need to get back in time for my beloved's birthday tea. We're off out to the Manchurian for a dim sum banquet - it should be so fine.
Happy birthday honeypie, love you loads. |
posted by Maureen @ 12:16 pm   |
Thursday, February 02, 2006 |
I've decided... |
I've decided to start recording the wildlife round about us to help in our objections to various bits of local planning that the Council and Scottish Enterprise want to do. We really don't want to lose our green space when there are so many brownfield sites that should be used first. It always appears as though there's building going on for building's sake and we don't want the fantastic eco-system that's around us to disappear. So when I got up this morning I spotted the deer in the field and sneaked out of the house so they wouldn't get startled. They feed most mornings and are absolutely gorgeous. They have gone through the veggie plots a few times but that really doesn't bother me. Share and share alike.

Then as I was wandering about I spotted my first crocus of the year...

...followed by our first snowdrop!

So what did I follow up that early morning excitement with (also known as procrastinating)?

...a bit of breakfast knitting. Nothing like a bowl of porridge with some dried fruit in it to get you going. I usually put a few spoons of oats to soak the night before in some cold water with the dried fruit and then it only needs about 2 mins in the microwave the next morning. At least it's likely to kickstart me in a vaguely healthy way for the rest of the day. Inbetween mouthfuls I did a few rows of the hat I'm making for my Secret Pal. It's from a Magknits pattern that was only published on Wednesday and takes one whole ball of RYC Cashsoft DK. Quite fancy making one for myself when I finish it. I can see a few being churned out as pressies, especially if it only takes an evening or two to knit.
Then I got a nice surprise today. I was walking up the road to pick up the post when I spotted a delivery van indicating to turn off the main road down to ours. I started to get excited (as one does) and as he approached I got him to stop so I could see where he was going - us or Keith and Lynn. Luckily it was for me so I signed for the parcel there and then and just got him to drop it off at the house since I was only going to be a few minutes. What was it?

It was my dressmaker's dummy that I got for my Christmas from my Dad. Now my Dad is lovely in that when it comes to presents he now asks what I'd like and if he thinks I deserve it (or even if I don't probably) and it's a reasonable request then he will sort it out for me. On this occasion however he didn't read the email properly (I did links, bold, underlined, descriptions and a'thing!) so the first dummy I got was a size Medium which is for girlies who are a tad bigger than me. I needed the Petite so had to send the first one back and then wait until they got a one back in stock so about 6 weeks later I've finally got the right one. Instructions will be even more precise next time - okay Dad?! (I know you'll read this - thanks for the pressie, eventually!) I'm still a very happy bunny though as it all gets added into my list of things to learn this year - spinning, sewing, better photography, fancy techniques in my knitting, all crafty stuff anyway.
And just to finish for today an example of why it is very difficult, at times, to get a photo of our evil little beastie. He likes to wrap himself round legs when you are outside and will not stay still so you'll have to make do with the "moving" image.

posted by Maureen @ 7:31 pm   |
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Name: Maureen
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