When you change, people either change with you or they leave your life forever
Monday, February 13, 2006
Catch-up time
It's been ages since I was last on here but I have been scuttering around like a mad thing over the last ten days doing heaps of stuff. I was really good the other weekend and finally did a bit of a tidy up of at least some of the garden. Mainly the borders at the back door, the two borders at the front door and my pots which are in the patio. Only (hah - only!) got the veggie plots and the side border to go. At least it is getting much easier to tidy-up the garden each year and to actually make some progress in making it prettier. I suppose I have got 3 years worth of it under my belt and Robert's folks did say that it takes at least 5 years to make a garden. Almost there.
I was offshore last week for most of the week doing heaps of health checks (30 minute one-to-one appointments where you tell folk how unfit they are basically) and some presentations. Since it was on "Men's Health" there were a few wiseguys trying to be clever and wind me up - funny how they all start to shut up the more you speak about their prostate and testicles. Embarrassment kicks in for quite a few and I'm not shy about it either. As I was trying to get across to them it's embarrassment and stubbornness that is more likely to kill them. I was dead chuffed afterwards though as quite a few of the guys came along to health checks and said they were either going to their GP when they got back onshore to check out symptoms I'd mentioned or else there were other things I'd gone over which had hit a chord - in a positive way. One guy was a bit upset though when I told him that he was medically, grossly obese. He did have a gut on him and actually had a 49inch waist on him. The fact that his trousers were a 38 inch didn't mean anything - I tried to get this through to him but he didn't want to take onboard that he might just be a fat bastard heading for a heart attack! The Medic was the worst - a huge belly, diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes and eating the most horrendous diet. If anyone was going to have a heart attack then he was the prime candidate. It's the sleep deprivation that gets me in the end - I'm not good with 6am starts, I like about an hour more in bed before I'm human.
I did come back to a bit of a state and decided that it really wasn't on. By the side of the sofa is about 7 different projects which is just getting daft so I put 4 of them upstairs (along with my drop spindle spinning for now) and I've left 3 downstairs. One is very nearly finished and I would like it to be done for the weekend. Another is one that is going to be my offshore knitting for the next few trips as it can be done on my Denise needles and is a reasonably transportable easy pattern for a sleeveless cable tank top in Soy Silk Oasis (Chocolate).
The last one I only got the wool for on Saturday from Dragon Yarns so couldn't start before then. It's my contribution to the Knitting Olympics but I did it to make sure I got a kick up the backside to get going rather than let all the wool sit in a bag for a while. It would be nice if I got the jumper to Dennis while it's still cold weather - actually not too difficult in an Aberdonian climate. I have of course stuck my oar in with Team Scotland as I thought it was only fair as we Scots do provide the bigger bulk of the athletes when it comes to the Winter Olympics - crap at the summer ones or a football team but we do make a reaasonable affort when it comes to the other stuff. As folk tend to say - if you can learn to ski in Scotland you can ski anywhere as nowhere else will you get such shit conditions. Went to Glenshee once and the wind was so strong it was blowing me backwards up the ski slope on my blades. There's been bugger all snow this year for the ski centres so far which is a real pain as I can't afford a ski holiday in with all the other expenses this year.
I have digressed somewhat from the knitting talk, where was I? Dennis' jumper. He asked for an Aran jumper a long time ago and having seen the previous effor he wore to the pub which he loved but that everybody else took the piss out of I said that I would give it a go. The original jumper he has is this horrible acrylic which would melt rather than burn if you set fire to it. He sent Robert up with a stack of patterns and luckily he chose one that doesn't have bobbles in it (I hate knitting bobbles). It's going okay so far - well since I got past the set up row anyway, it was an absolute bastard. A few of the panels are only a 4 row repeat so are starting to become second nature already. There are 2 other panels which haven't quite sunk into my brain yet but they are getting there. This shows my progress so far.
Suppose I'd better go and put in a few hours or else it's not going to get done anytime soon!
Hi Maureen,
Your garden sounds like it will be beautiful. And it's fun to see your cozy little knitting spot!