Saturday, March 25, 2006 |
Saturday, part two! |
Think I've reached the end of my birthday blast for this year - I did a little stash enhancement. Approriately enough some of the purchasing happened to be from Stash. They had SWTC Karoke on offer at 40% off and since I've wanted to try it for a while it just seemed like kismet. I was able to use up the last of the credit in my Paypal account so it only cost me another £15 of real money. The other spending happened at one of the best online stores MacAree Brothers in Stirling. Postage is free once you spend a fiver - so in other words buy a ball of wool and you've got free postage, not hard! They had some Paton's Bella tape yarn (not worm!) in orange - I've got big into orange since I've discovered it's a colour that really seems to suit me - for a whole £1.15 a ball. How ace is that? I got some Regia sock yarn as well - not to knit socks but to make fingerless gloves. Sock yarn is brilliant for fingerless gloves since it's so hardwearing and the self-patterning stuff gives you some really funky gloves. It should probably give me enough for a wee hat as well. I like fingerless gloves for when I'm out taking photos. I did get some bamboo DPN's, a ball of Cracksilk Haze (for a pressie) and a ball of Biggy Print to make a hat. Do you think that's enough for now? All new stash has been added to existing stash - shush! dinna tell anybuddy...

I have finished a few things as well. Ali gave me a copy of the Booga Bag pattern so I used some Jaeger dusky pink wool that I got ages ago on Ebay that was too scratchy to be worn next to the skin but has felted rather well instead. It has got me thinking of some other ideas for making other felted bags. Might do one as a present for a friend very shortly - ideas are fermenting in my heid!

Made myself a pair of cosy wristwarmers as well with the Biggy Print I got from my SP. As I had a few oddments left over from each ball I cast on for a hat to match then got another ball to finish it off properly. Looking promising.

George "helped" me with my knitting the other night by lying very cosily in the gap between me and the arm of the chair. When he's tired and sleepy he's very cute however when he's in a bouncy mood then he doesn't help with my knitting as there are far too many interesting things for him to attack.

Sometimes he's just a little chancer as we can see hear from the "is that pizza I see before me? Gimme, gimme, gimme!"

Last night we watched "Walk the Line". I did want to see this film in the pictures so I could appreciate the soundtrack on a big sound system but it's probably just as well we watched it at home as I cried...twice. Robert extracted the Micheal of course but he's not very good at being soppy. I thought Joaquin Phoenix was amazing and captured the true spirit of the crazyness of Cash. I love Johnny Cash, and have done for years. We had a good session of working our way through my Cash albums after the film, especially the Folsom and San Quentin prison albums. And of course Hurt is a fantastic cover with one of the saddest, most emotional videos ever. Brilliant. Might have to buy the DVD when it comes out here - Dennis bought his copy from the States.
Getting hungry now - time to put on pizza, watch some telly and go do some knitting. Robert's away out for the night to the Four Mile, a boy's night really. I should have gone in some ways as it's quite an historic night in Scotland - it's the last night folk can legally smoke in pubs and public places. After 5 years of working in smoking cessation and health promotion it's fantastic to think that I have been involved in bringing the legislation in, along with thousands of others. After years of working in bars and restaurants when I was a student I know just what it's like to work in that smokey environment and I think it's fantastic that Scotland is making an effort to change it's health record. So come 6am tomorrow morning, Sunday 26th March, Scotland becomes a nation of smoke-free public places. We might still have a crap diet, be in the top three for heart disease and be in the top five for pretty much any disease under the sun but we're trying and we've got to start somewhere. Ye dancer!

posted by Maureen @ 7:04 pm   |
Loads of pinks as well as oranges I see! I've got the same sock yarn colour way except mine has been a 2nd sock in progress for about 6 months!! Glad you liked the Booga Bag pattern - yours looks great!! And love the wrist warmers too although I hope you don't need them for much longer.......come on spring!
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Loads of pinks as well as oranges I see! I've got the same sock yarn colour way except mine has been a 2nd sock in progress for about 6 months!! Glad you liked the Booga Bag pattern - yours looks great!!
And love the wrist warmers too although I hope you don't need them for much longer.......come on spring!