Saturday, May 28, 2005 |
Finished Lucky Clover - at last! |
It's happened - taken a wee while but it's happened. I finished my Lucky Clover cardi at last. As we can see George decided to inspect my handiwork before I put it together - just checking there were no mistakes like?! No show without Punch.
 George inspecting my handiwork
Like quite a few others I had a bit of fun and games trying to avert the boat neck, aka "sexy" falling-off-the-shoulders look, but I managed it on my second attempt. Because mine is knitted from pure wool it does have a certain "bounce" in the finish whick means that bits don't quite lie where they should without a bit of help. In my case this has meant the addition of two poppers along the bottom of the cardi to keep things in place. But overall I'm certainly pretty pleased with the effect and the colours are awfully pretty. I've still got about 350g of the wool left so I'm thinking either a 50's inspired tight fit jumper (shame I can't do the full on Lana Turner effect but it won't happen unless a jelly bra is involved!) or a small short-sleeve jumper which can give a twinset look to Lucky Clover. We shall think about it some more.
 The finished object - hurrah!
 Not forgetting the reverse view...
So knitting wise I now have to crack on with the baby shawl, especially as Elisha arrived on Thursday, and inbetween times - to maintain sanity - I'll carry on with version number 2 of the leafy camisole. Hopefully this time it'll actually fit me and not someone with a 38 inch chest. That would have been just a tad draughty round the old nipples!
Almost recovered from last weekend's offshore trip. It does mean I've landed on 5 Shell platforms in just one trip as we went "round-the-houses" on Saturday and Monday but it was pretty tiring. A stress presentation and 23 mini-health checks - most of them on the Sunday. Up at 5.45am on the Sunday and I didn't finish until 11pm that night. Still I'd far rather do that than be siting about on my butt all day waiting for things to do. Once you're offshore you're just as well to work because it's pretty damned boring doing anything else. You can't go anywhere, can't go outside, and can't go to the kitchen and make yourself something to eat and even with all that I still enjoyed myself on this trip even if it was really knackering.
Feeling quite sore now as I've been "helping" Robert, in my own little pathetic way, with digging out the sunken patio he's planned. Thank heaven's Mike's coming over to go onto barrow duty tomorrow as I'm crap. I can only fill it halfway with earth before I have to humpf it over to the other side of the garden to dump it on our humungous pile of topsoil that is accumulating without a potential home to go to. I've got them some nice ribs for the barbie (it's supposed to be a reasonable day tomorrow) and I've taken chicken wings out of the freezer. I'm sure they'll eat whatever gets put in front of them. Plenty beer on tap to help ease the muscles into it. I'll just have to crack on with a mega weeding sesh as it's all going a bit mental out there in flowery weedy land. That's what happens when you get nice warm rain followed by sunshine - things grow! Great ain't it.
Think I'll go watch Garden State now before I have to go and pick Robert up from his card's night. |
posted by Maureen @ 8:37 pm   |
Your lucky looks great! I think a little camisole for underneath would be great.
Your Lucky looks fantastic! It fits you so well. I hope mine looks half as good when it's finally finished. :)
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Your lucky looks great! I think a little camisole for underneath would be great.