Wednesday, February 09, 2005 |
The pink hoodie from SnB (no1) is finally finished - well when I say finished I just have to sew a few seams this evening and that's it done. It wasn't the most exciting knit in the world but I preservered as I knew I would like the finished article and it's going to be dead cosy to wear. Plus the fact that the lopi wool cost me £13 off Ebay was a definite bonus. The same sort of hoodies in Fat Face (cool shop) are about £50-60 so I shall wear mine with pride and much cosieness. Not that cosieness has been such a huge requirement this year as last winter - waterproofing has been a bigger necessity.

So what's next on the agenda? While surfing other folks blogs (as if I would do such a thing when I'm supposed to be working!) I came across a knitalong for the project I started at the tail end of last week. Pure coincidence. I've emailed so hopefully will be added to the list. Now I've just got to figure out how to add the button to my template and add the link in. Hopefully Theresa might be able to help me out with that at the SnB tomorrow night. It'll be nice to catch up with other folks progress on the leftovers vest top (Knitty: Winter 2004) and to see what colour combinations they come up with. I think some of them have actually bought wool especially for it but I've been really good and dug out a variety of aran and double-knitting that's been hanging about in my stash cupboard for quite a few years now. The fact that this one is on circulars too is a bonus as it means sod all seams to sew up when it's finished. It does seem to be quite a North American thing to use circulars rather than straight needles (or gay as opposed to straight perhaps?!) and they were a bit weird to get used to but once you've got things going they can work out easier plus it makes things more transportable. I have spotted what I would like for my birthday from Robert - a set of Denise interchangeable needles which give you about 40 different combinations of gay and straight needles. I could be good and sell off some of my other needles on Ebay then. I could but I probably won't...
I was naughty when I ordered Robert's birthday present from my Mum on Amazon and I ordered a book for myself too. Well I needed to up it to £19 to make sure that I got my free postage and since my family are so rubbish on the internet and have so far failed to make use of my wish list on Amazon to see what I really want for presents I had to order the book for myself. They all seem to think they need to come up with various things when I would be so happy with books and knitting or photography things. I'm a simple girl really - at least that's what Robert says about me...! |
posted by Maureen @ 4:53 pm   |
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